Monday, March 21, 2016


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Insecurity is plaguing our society, creating a catastrophe and comparison is right along with it.  Think about it,  nobody is satisfied with who they are. When asked to say ten good things about ourselves we say come back to me unless you want to hear all of the things that are wrong.  I can tell you those.  You want ten, I can give you twenty.  It just goes to show, our perspective is off, our view point has shifted.  We promote uniqueness and celebrating differences, but somehow girls think that the only picture of beauty is the one they see photo shopped on Cosmo magazine.

It seems to me we are all a thin sliver of confidence covering an ocean of insecurities, and I can be the first to testify.  I can hardly keep my eyes dry as I try to find the beauty that's inside of me. I'm tired of fighting, throwing rocks at the thoughts as they swarm through my head. They land like an atom bomb, exploding any bit of confidence I had to pieces.  It's times like these I only remember every negative thing that any person has ever said.

We want to be done, to stop it cold turkey.  Wake up one morning and everything is perfect. or you're perfect? Which one? Do we want to be done with insecurities or do we just hope that we will change.  That we will become who we think we should be.  The sad truth is, we'll never get there.  No matter how much we fill our lives with we need something stronger to make that switch flip.  We drink so we can be someone were not, so the problem is not the drink in our hand but the thought in our head about who we are.  Don't you remember how mama said you can do anything you want to, you can touch the stars....  but we don't believe it, we don't see it.   Being skinny and wearing makeup, likes on Instagram or on Facebook, none will give you what you want, that feeling that you are enough. Relationships won't do it either, having your worth rest on someones shoulder will not give you freedom.  You need to find it for your self, figure out how to love who you are.

For it doesn't come from outside but within, straight from the one whose blood has covered all our sin.  We are free and we are loved, and the way God created us was more than enough.  Sometimes we just don't see it,  but man someday we have to find a way to beat it.  To believe in ourselves, to understand our worth,  to know that we are loved.  and to accept the way we were made.  Instead of comparing we need to celebrate, let the past be our past and move on towards the future.  We must stop giving people the power to define who we are, for it is only the one who made us who has that authority,  and He declares us worthy, all together beautiful, fearfully and wonderful, flawless, beloved, cherished, and free.

For your identity is not based on the attention you receive from others but trust in the Father, understanding that what His word says is the truth and that we are all fearfully and wonderfully created in the image of God.  There is your proof. "

Insecurities stem from who and what you allow your identity to be defined by.  If you define yourself by your relationships with others, the way you see yourself will ebb and flow depending on the relationship status.  The only stable place to cement your identity is by letting God be the only one who can tell you who you are and what you are worth.  

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