Monday, September 29, 2014

Waking up this morning, my routine started as normal, but as I walked to breakfast I skipped one important step.  Instead of putting on my wool socks, snuggling my feet into the warmth of my boots, I walked right out the door, bare feet onto the rain washed stones.  The cold seeped into my feet creating a needle prick reaction.  The only difference, which is a big one, is that at the end of today I have shoes, more than one pair, that I can wear to protect my feet against potentially deadly diseases and infections.  

This month of October is the Steps of Justice Prayer Guide month.   Every day we will pray against the injustices of the world from poverty t
o child exploitation.  Every Monday we will take action to get an ever so tiny glimpse of what life is like outside the safety and security of a first world country. 

Today it's about shoes.  Or lack there of.  "On this Action Day we are asking that you would go throughout the day, or a portion of the day, without shoes. You may not be allowed into some 
places, but that is part of the injustice of not owning shoes. See what it is like to be restricted in where you can walk and where you can go. As you go through this day, let each step remind you to pray for the children who are walking around today without shoes, not by choice, but because 
of where they were born. "

• “Many children in developing countries grow up barefoot. Whether at 
play, doing chores or going to school, these children are at risk.”

• “ A leading cause of disease in developing countries is soil-transmitted 
diseases, which can penetrate the skin through bare feet. Wearing shoes 
can help prevent these diseases, and the long-term physical and cognitive 
harm they cause.”

• “ Wearing shoes also prevents feet from getting cuts and sores. Not only 
are these injuries painful, they also are dangerous when wounds become 

• “Many times children can’t attend school barefoot because shoes are 
a required part of their uniform. If they don’t have shoes, they don’t go to 
school. If they don’t receive an education, they don’t have the opportunity 
to realize their potential.”

For I the Lord love Justice...” Isaiah 61:8

  • for more ways of how you can get involed and download th prayer guide go to...

some information taken from

Friday, September 5, 2014

Dreaming. Wondering. Praying. Seeking.  Something I do everyday.  The future.  It is so daunting, but so intriguing.  It lies in tomorrow, waiting to be discovered after each day dawns.  It is a thing that I have contemplated time and time again.  It is a topic of conversation that arises, what do you want to do with your life?  What are you going to do after you are finished with what you are doing now?  What is your two year, five year, ten year plan?  But who says I have to have a plan.  I was recently inspired which lead me to the revelation that is this...

I want to be free. Not in the American, you can't take my rights away I can do whatever I want kind of free, but the free as in the only thing I am living for is God.  Where the only one telling me what to do with my life is God.  The only thing that is bounding me to this place or that job is nothing, unless it is God speaking into what He is calling me toward.  Everyday I want to wake up and ask "God where do you want me, Here I am, Chose me, Send me, Use me, for Your Glory Jesus. I want to spend my whole life reliant on what God is speaking into me, what He is placing on my heart.  When missionaries ask for more people to join their ministry, I want to be able to raise my hand, to have the freedom to say "If God calls me, I am there." I get so excited to think how wonderful it is to live in this way, to know that whatever you are doing, wherever you are, you are living in the fullness of the plans God has for you.  So for me it is not a question of what I will do with my future, but where God will lead me. For now, I will wait upon the Lord, and be present in every new day, because my life is in the hands of the maker of heaven.

"I give it all to you God trusting that You'll make 
something beautiful out of me"
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