Thursday, May 22, 2014

Our project in the slums of Brazil is too tackle one of the houses which belongs to a lady named Fatimah. The house is covered in mold, has a leaking roof which  leaks right over her and her daughters bed,  and has brought on many hardships for Fatimah.  She currently suffers severe allergies from the mold that is invading her home. She says she doesn't go home until late at night because she can't breath well in her house.  

What we want to do is renovate her house, insulate the roof, take away the mold, paint, and give her and herb garden.  Below are pictures of before, and as we progress I will be putting up more! 

For the supplies, and to hire a local worker to support him ($50) and to cover our stay here in Borel we need to raise approximately $400. If you feel called to give please click the donate button that is linked to paypal, or if you do not have a paypal account please contact me directly! 

Let's work together to give this woman of God a safe and happy home! 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I am new at working through Ywam Tyler Texas as are all of you! They have informed me that many of my supporters are writing my name on the checks, due to regulations with the IRS they are unable to process those checks that have my name written. 

Please send a check made out to Youth With a Mission with a simple seperate note saying "For Eliana Jirucha", do not put my name anywhere on the check including the memo line. 

I am sorry for the inconvenience, and the miscommunication on my part, I understand it was not as clear on the support card as it should've been.  As a new missionary I am still learning but I hope now I have been able to explain in a clearer way. 

If you have any other questions please contact me directly! Thank you for your continued prayer and support! God Bless!!


Monday, May 19, 2014

I can't believe I have already been one week in Brazil. I am so in love with this country already and I can already see God's anointing on this trip.

We worked for three days in Ricardo's old school, The Armando School, where we showed a video which addressed the struggles youth have such as addictions to drugs, alcohol, porn, the bad self image and the pressure that comes along  with high school. It showed how Jesus' love set them free and healed and restored each teenager. After the video each one of us took turns sharing the gospel and a testimony from our life of how God had given us complete freedom. 

We had over 50 students wanting to accept Christ, and over 1,000 students ages 10-18 heard the complete Gospel and of Jesus' love for them. 

We had one girl, we will call her B, she came up at the end of the session and was talking to Ricardo, she showed him the cuts on her arms and talked about the painful past she had had and how today had changed her.  She came up to us and hugged us all and said "You saved my life." 

The next day we were at the school she came up to us girls and gave us a letter she had written in Portuguese, Ricardo then translated it for us and it read...

"God sent you here on this day, even on my birthday. You girls saved my life and even though I don't know you I can say that I love you. May God continue to bless your time here in Brazil. Thank you, B" 

I mean what a testimony. I feel so humbled, so privileged, that God is using me to touch peoples lives through His word and that He allowed me the opportunity to travel to Brazil so that I could meet another one of my beautiful sisters in Christ who have been changed by God's impacting love. 

We are in Rio De Janeiro now, working with one of the bases in Borel which is a slum/favela. Here we are working with the different ministries they have like the kindergarten & soccer school, and are also going to be renovating a "house" for one of the staff members. Her house is full of mold and the ceiling & walls are both falling apart, as well as leaking. We are hoping we can fix the problems so that she can live there safely and happily.

I don't have my laptop with me, so uploading pictures is limited, but I will try to post as many as possible! 

God Bless you all, thank you for your continued prayers and support! 


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Hey Everyone! Just a quick lil update! We arrived in Brazil about 5:00 p.m. local time and am so far loving this country! We spent Monday and Tuesday getting over jet lag and planning for the week. We went to the beach and got to swim which was super fun and warm! The food has been super delicious and I am getting accustomed to the beans and rice! ;) 

Tomorrow, Wednesday, we will go to a school and share the gospel with over 1,000 students! We will preach on hard topics about addiction and the hard emotions that come with it, like guilt and shame. Through that we will share the good news and the healing & restoration that Jesus Christ brings. Will you join me in prayer that we will see many kids and teenagers open their hearts to the gospel and relationship with Jesus? 

On a side note, if you weren't able to come to my church, journey chapel, and hear me speak about my time abroad in Youth with a Missions discipleship training school, you can go on the website and click on messages and it will be the first one entitles "In Jesus Name" I start speaking at the 20 minute mark, but if you have time I'd recommend listening to the whole sermon:) 

Here are some pictures of the area we are in! 

God Bless you!!


Thursday, May 8, 2014

These past three weeks in the my beautiful mountainous state of Colorado have flown by, like the ever annoying wind that has been going on.  It has been time for reflection, relationships, and some greatly appreciated rest and relaxation.  I was able to spend Easter weekend with my family and close friends, as well as see my church family for the first time.

The first week was spent trying to see everyone and anyone I could, while preparing a presentation for my church as well as one for my fundraiser, "A night in Norway."  I told my mom, I think I need a vacation from my vacation because I feel like I have been on the go from the day I landed in my homeland.  It's always exciting to see people you haven't in a long time, but after three weeks of sharing stories from what God has done, and how your life has miraculously changed, well it is both a privilege and also an exhaustion.  I was able to see friends from high school all in the first week, It was nice to see where everyone is at, and that they are enjoying life and following their dreams and passions.  That weekend was hectic, two days spent preparing traditional Norwegian food, skole bolle, waffles with brown cheese, apple cake, rice porridge, and pizza! I also had to calm my nerves and figure out what I was going to say in front of my church body and that night to my friends and family.

I was super emotional this week, and so speaking in Church about something I am passionate about, well I had to be handed some tissues,  because the tears just kept coming.  But it was a wonderful experience, and I felt like the Holy Spirit was able to speak specific things into the church and that many people were touched by what God laid on my heart, and I am truly grateful and humbled by the opportunity! Each time I am more and more comfortable talking in front of a crowd, and I seem to enjoy it more and more.  It was then time for "A Night in Norway", ooo lala! It went so much better than I expected, I was able to share great stories, partake in wonderful fellowship, and eat some delicious Norwegian cuisine! I was able to share my hopes and dreams, and all of the things God laid on my heart for my near future, and people received it with encouragements, prayers, and support.  It was truly a blessing to be able to host such a fun event! ;)

My friend Cailyn flew in from Seattle, and we had a really awesome time together.  We were doing new and exciting things everyday and were even able to go to the top of Pikes Peak, a famous mountain in CO, as well as spend a relaxing day in the Hot Springs.  We ended the time in the college town of Boulder, where we were able to have a delicious american pancake breakfast with my Brother, and also my Brother and I said our goodbyes for now and hugged it out! We then were able to meet up with a good friend of mine for a few hours, we sat at a cute coffee shop where I had the best Chai tea latte, and had really captivating conversations.

I of course have spent a wonderful amount of time with my beloved family, and am so grateful for their support and generosity, and the love that they share with me each and every day.  As my time in the good ol' USA comes to a close for now, I am just so thankful God allowed me this adjusting period, and really blessed me each and everyday that I was here.  Tomorrow I am off to Norway, and Sunday I am off to Brazil! I would greatly appreciate your prayers for safe travels and quick recovery from jet lag, as my brain will be super confused and tired.  I love you all so much and can't wait to embark on the next part of this adventure with you!!

Ready or Not, Here I go.... again! :D

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