Friday, January 9, 2015

As you may have already figured out, consistency is not one of my strengths, especially when it comes to keeping up on the blog. But alas, here is my best shot redeem myself of the six weeks of absence.  As I am sitting here in the Icelandic airport, (Merry Christmas, God Jul, Felize Navidad) I was beginning to think about what are the things I have acquired over the years that has made my traveling easier.  I am by no means an expert world traveler, but I have been on my fair share of endless flights, and dragging lay overs.  So I guess you could call this post "Eliana's Guide to surviving international flights while not looking like you got hit by a bus when you step into baggage claim to meet your friends and relatives (note to self).

1. FOOD.  Seriously. This can either make it or break it.  Pack it. Snack it. Roll it. and then double it.  Because I guarantee that no matter how hungry you think you'll be, you'll be hungrier.  For example, I regret not packing an extra sandwhich because now it's dinner time, Iceland airport has one place to buy food, and I have an eight hour flight ahead of me.   Fasting anyone?  Anyways, pack something you know your stomach won't react to, (I don't recommend hot chili anything)  Fruit is always a good choice, but avoid bananas because they are easily smushed.  Items like sandwhiches, nuts, trail mix, carrots sticks, those are all easy travel companions and will keep your tummy happy:)

2.  WATER, The two kind of go hand in hand, food & water.  Drink. Drink. Drink. (water, we are only talking about water here) You should drink twice as much as you normally do because of the traveling and time changes.  But remember! You can't take any water with you passed security!

3.  This is for my ladies out there. Don't wear makeup. Please.  You will thank me.   I know some of you think but what if I don't where makeup and this is the one day that I will get placed in a seat next to the guy of my dreams.  Well it won't happen on this flight, and it never will. (Bubble burst).  Seriously though, nothing is worse than 12 hour old sleepy eyed, touched up five times over, smeared makeup, You won't like the feeling and neither does your face.  Leave it be and be makeup free, your pores will thank you and you will leave the flight feeling fresh & clean, which brings me to number four...

4.  Face cleansing wipes (Or the less fancy makeup remover wipes)  These are a must.  They leave you feeling more awake and your face happy and clean.  Use them on a layover, after you wake up from your mid-flight snooze, and when you get off your last flight.

5. Toothebrush and toothepaste, Tell the people sitting next to you to thank me later.

6.  Headphones- Your flight won't be the same unless you can jam out to your T-swift tunes, not to mention the usual awesome selection of movies you can watch.

7. Ear plugs and Eye mask.  I don't know how it is for you, but I need as much help as I can get when trying to get a good nights rest on  the plane.  These two items don't work magic but they may give you an extra 45 minutes of snooze time. (They also drown out bright lights and the sound of the adorable but sometimes annoying screaming children)

8. BOOKS. I bring one everywhere, plane, train, not cars because I am easily nauseated.  But when you have eight hours of sitting down literally being able to relax however you choose, why not pick up the book you have been wanting to read but have never had the time to because there is always something better to do than read.  Just kidding, but that is sometimes how it feels, finding time to read is the hardest kind of time to find.  Bring a few page turners, you can most likely finish one each way!

9. Socks and a Sweater, even if you are going to the carribbean. For some reasons all airlines have decided that they want the inside of their planes to feel like Antartica in summer.  (It is still freezing cold)  If you tend to get cold like me, these are a must.

10.  A big smile :)  Be friendly, be polite, say thank you and excuse me, exchange pleasantries with those sitting next to you, you are all in this together so you might as well make a few new friends, after all you never know what kind of awesome individuals you can meet at random:)

Have fun and Be safe! Take pictures of wherever you are going and make lots of memories!  The flight is just a small part of it, but hopefully these tips will give you an extra pleasant journey to your next destination!

God Bless!


My blog is not the only thing I have neglected the past few months, my love for writing has dwindled down to only a few work projects here and there.  BUT, I am making a comeback, and I have come to accept that there will be times where I write every day, and there will be times where I write every month.  The thing though is that is how life goes, it has it's ups and it has it's downs, it is filled with adventurous seasons and times where your days are filled with the day-to-day of base life.  I love it all, and for me the every changing schedule is exciting, but I don't always find the inspiration I am looking for to write a full post.

The season however is about to change because tomorrow I board a plane to Bangkok, Thailand! (is this real life?) I always thought one day I would travel to Thailand once not twice in the same year!  Travel is one of the perks of living for Jesus! He calls us out into all the nations and so to the nations we go! :)

I will be with a team of 9, plus an extra family of four the first couple weeks.  We will be going from Bangkok to Pattaya, up to Chiang Mai, and even more up to Fang.

This is just a short n' sweet to tell you my blog is up, active, and if all goes as planned I will be posting every second or third day! Just pictures, a few paragraphs, inspirations, little things here and there! :)

God Bless!

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