Thursday, April 14, 2016

Changed to Change

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It's funny how in ministry we tend to often think that God is calling us to change people's live.  While He does call us to be the hands and feet of Jesus by sharing His love, I am learning more and more that the first person He wants to change is us.  In the midst of longing to conquer the problems of the world, we start to neglect the corruption within ourselves.  If we cannot give from what we have not received, how then can we pour out the love of God to those around us if we do not have it abiding within our very own hearts?

It has only been four days of "Shine" and I have already been brought face to face with the challenge to examine my own heart.  I realized that since my DTS I have started this process of healing, and that now I am at a place where I felt so much shame and insecurity about myself because I wasn't where I thought I should be.  I put myself on a "healing time-table"  saying that the fact that I am still struggling with rejection, fear of failure, and lack of confidence in my self after 2.5 years means that I have failed the assignment and that maybe, just maybe God was close to giving up on me.

Since I can remember I have placed my worth and my value in the friendships of those around me and because of that I have faced so many feelings of hurt and rejection.  While God has taken me into greater steps of freedom, I see that I still have been harboring feelings that the people who define me are people and not God,  No amount of love and affection from friends or relationships has the ability to heal me or to give me a solid foundation in which I can rest fully.  My friends didn't die for me,  Jesus did.  He bought me at the price of shedding His blood.  A value to high for any monetary sum.  

I am priceless and so are you, because there is no value great enough to be put on the blood of Jesus and what He did on the cross.  When I think about what it means to truly receive in my heart the love that God has for me as my heavenly father and to know that my value and my worth is unchangeable, it is liberating.  No longer do I have to feel insecure about measuring up to anyone's standards.  I do not have to fear rejection because the God in heaven will never reject me.  I can be free to be me and know that I am loved with a love so fierce God sent His only son, Jesus, to die on the cross for my sin, my shame, my guilt.  

The only person who has power to save and to heal is Jesus Christ.  It is in Him our joy is made complete and our hearts are filled with contentment.  

For so long I let others define me, but it has been long enough.  I've repented for giving people the authority of defining who I am and now I just want to move on.  To lay it down at the cross and receive the love God is extending to me.  

It's not going to be like flipping a switch, or maybe it will be, but I know that God is starting a process of breaking into greater freedom. It will take practice , and at times I may fail, but God never gives up on me. God never gives up on you. His love has no end, and His love has the capability of bringing you to a place where you know who are and you love the way He has created you.

We can not love others with the love of Jesus if we have not first experienced it ourselves, to love is to give and for us to have love to give it must come from an overflow of love we have received from God our father.

I written many times about identity and the love of God, thinking that God wanted to use it to minister to the hearts of others, and while that is true, I also see that He put it on my heart for me, to help me experience greater revelation of His love.  

In order to receive, we must sometimes let go.  

I have written many times about identity and the love of God, thinking that God wanted to use it to minister to the hearts of others, and while that is true, I also see that He put it on my heart for me to read, and to help me experience greater revelation of His love.  

This is only day four.  I can't imagine what more the Lord has in store.  

"We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us.  God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.  By this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgement; because as He is, so also are we in this world.  There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.  We love, because He first loved us."  

1 John 4: 15-19

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