Saturday, January 2, 2016


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Every year no matter what stories I have to tell from it, the tears I cried, the countries I visited, or the obstacles I overcame, I count it as an undeserving wave of mercy that washes over me with every breath that I take.  When I look back, all I can think of is that God is so good. God is so faithful. God is so kind.  God is so real.  I lived in 2015 because God lives in me,  it is in Him we live and breathe and have our being.

Last January 1st, God spoke to me that it would be a year of surprise and sure enough it was.  I was pushed to my limits, I overcame in ways I did not think possible.  I surprised myself with what I wanted for my future and was surprised again when God changed my mind.  I was surprised that despite my mistakes, failures, and imperfections the people close to me didn't stop loving me.  I was surprised with the patience of Gods heart and the love that He gladly pours out over me each morning.  I am continually surprised how God cares about every tiny detail of our lives.  I am surprised by Jesus every day and the fact that He just wants to be my friend.  I am surprised by the beauty of the creation that we live in and the creativity of God it reflects.

As we enter 2016, I only have one thing on my mind, Intimacy with Jesus.  I want to wake up in the morning and ask "Jesus, what do you want me to do today?"  and do it, with peace, contentment, courage, compassion, knowing that I am fearfully walking in the will of the Heavenly Father.  All else will stem from it.  For me it is not about how many things I can change about myself and my life, but how can I discover more of who Jesus is?  How can I go deeper in prayer?  How can I ignite my passion for the Bible?  How can I be the hands and feet of Jesus?  How can I love others with a love like He loves me?  I just want more of Jesus in my life. every day, every minute, every second.  Because when you are overcome by the love of God, all else falls away.  Nothing else in the world matters, because you know you are a beloved child of God.  That is what I want for 2016.  I want to be captivated by the person of Jesus and I don't want to keep it for myself.

For so long I have lived in fear, fear of never being good enough, fear of failure, fear of rejection, but nothing of that matter whens you are overcome by the Glory of God the father and the love that He has for you.

So I will wake up and smile, knowing that I am loved the same today as yesterday, I am free to be myself, and I start my day with Jesus, knowing that He will lead and guide me in every direction, whether it is a mountain to climb, a hobby to start, or a habit to kick.  He will show me. He will not leave me or forsake me.

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all else will be added to you" Matthew 6:33

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