Hi fellow supporters, family, and friends! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and were able to enjoy the holidays! If you haven't been able to read some of my latest blog posts, I will give you a little update.
I have recently decided to go into full time missions here in Norway and to help lead the Justice dts in September of 2014. I have been praying about it for the past 3 months and really have felt like this is where God is leading me to serve. Justice has always been a part of me, and my passion only grew when I went on short term missions to Kenya back in 2011. To see the poverty, the sick, the needy, and to become aware of the slave industry today, it is shocking and appalling and makes me want to do something.
We tend to think of slavery as something in the past, but there are actually more slaves today than there has ever been in the world. It's crazy to think that every 2 minutes a child is SOLD into slavery. This is the world we live in guys, a world where the slave traders make more money per year than Nike, Starbucks, and Google COMBINED, where 2 out of every 10 woman have been ABUSED. It's a harsh reality, but it's something we need to fight against. We need to equip our missionaries to go out and share the love of Jesus with the prostitutes, pimps, child soldiers, orphans, and anywhere we see injustice. We need to raise up practical teams for drilling water wells, and get educated on how we can bring the gift of water, the gift of life to 3rd world countries. It's an estimated 1.8 MILLION people, mostly children, die each year from diseases that are preventable through clean water. I might not be able to change the world, but I can change lives, I can invest in the ones who have never heard of the love of Jesus, and build relationships with woman who have been trafficked, I can play games and love on the orphans, because that is what Jesus would do, isn't it? We are called to Love & to Serve & to share the good news of Jesus Christ, and if we focused on doing that, we could make an impact, we could change the world.
I understand not everyone is called out on to the missions field, but God calls everyone to be a part of the great commission, whether that be to support missionaries, or just share God's love in everyday life. We need to equip the people who are called out into missions, so that they can take a stand, and that we can be a part of bringing Justice to the injustice of this world.
As a full time missionary I have no source of income and the only way possible for me to continue the work God lead me to is to have support from people like you. It is a leap of faith, but I do believe God will provide. Each month I need to bring in $850 a month to provide for food, housing, communications, and savings for future outreaches & travel expenses. Whether it be $20 or $200, by supporting me your are a part of bringing justice to the nations. You are equipping me with the tools I need to go out and share God's love, and to reach the unreached. You are part of the Great Commission.
Please prayerfully consider supporting me on a monthly basis and receiving my newsletters/blog posts. Without you all none of this would be possible. My prayer is that God will bless you like you all have blessed me.
All for the Glory of His Name,
Eliana Jirucha