1. He made the way for me to go to Kenya so that my passion for missions would be unveiled
2. He gave me the strength to go against the current and choose my own future than to follow my friends to college even though some people thought otherwise
3. He allowed my role model, and big sister Laken to be an impact on my life and gave me the desire to follow in her footsteps.
4. He gave the Ywam staff peace about my application and allowed me to be accepted into this program.
5. He provided me with a full time job and gave me the strength to get up and go everyday.
6. He allowed me the opportunity to move back to CO to spend time with my Dad, and blessed me beyond belief while I was here.
7. He opened up numerous doors, from babysitting to house sitting, so that I would always have a source of funding if one door closed.
8. He gave me the opportunity to attend an incredible and generous Church, in which I am so grateful and blessed to be a part of.
9. He has given me the desire's of my heart, which is to go forth and become a disciple for my Lord Jesus Christ, so that other's may have hope and come to
know of his Sacrifice and his eternal love.
10. He has helped me to grow in my relationship with him and to strive to learn more about His word each and every day.
Overall, He has done incredible, wonderful, things in my life these past 6 months! Something I know is not coincidence, it's not by chance, but by the hand of the Holy Spirit, my God, Jesus Christ.
"Delight yourselves in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He will do it."